Non Horsey Chat

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newBookmarkLockedFalling is it just me
jack 23 186 by florence
Sept 6, 2008 17:54:45 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling I'm a POlice Widow and loving it!!
scattymare 10 132 by racaille
Sept 6, 2008 16:44:17 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling ghosts of mars
Blonde Donkey 1 80 by florence
Sept 5, 2008 23:24:18 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling Did anyone see...
zara 10 196 by maximum
Sept 5, 2008 20:53:07 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling Whats your favourite
scattymare 24 143 by Blonde Donkey
Sept 5, 2008 20:23:11 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling ooh ooh ooh
Jen 40 302 by scattymare
Sept 5, 2008 18:55:36 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling Kirstie Foster Tribute
brigadier 6 104 by brigadier
Sept 5, 2008 15:24:11 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling A warning to all
slinky 18 143 by slinky
Sept 5, 2008 14:28:37 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling funkifairi
Blonde Donkey 15 184 by spotti
Sept 5, 2008 10:50:22 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling help wanted
slinky 29 304 by chellebean
Sept 4, 2008 21:49:54 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling steve irwin
rocker 6 110 by zara
Sept 4, 2008 21:44:24 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling hmmm
Jen 16 103 by slinky
Sept 4, 2008 20:58:22 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling i hate where i live
jack 18 199 by jack
Sept 4, 2008 16:34:49 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling Icky, icky Rain
slinky 16 93 by slinky
Sept 4, 2008 16:00:19 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling hope they find them
kateflashy 46 563 by rocker
Sept 4, 2008 15:53:38 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling how did haffy get so much karma??
Jen 25 217 by maximum
Sept 4, 2008 14:36:18 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling 1 more
fimacg 7 151 by spotti
Sept 4, 2008 11:27:28 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling Call centre cow
Becca 10 105 by slinky
Sept 4, 2008 10:18:32 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling savvy - im bored
Jen 8 73 by spotti
Sept 4, 2008 10:14:41 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling Night night
scattymare 1 58 by Jen
Sept 3, 2008 22:12:37 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling Anyone else heading off to uni?
maaarylynn 4 71 by carlargh
Sept 3, 2008 14:13:45 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling mixed emotions
babymare 3 94 by babymare
Sept 3, 2008 13:16:53 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling I wish I was eight again.........
babymare 5 104 by scattymare
Sept 3, 2008 11:44:47 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling HAPPY BIRTHDAY Chellebean
slinky 12 102 by spotti
Sept 3, 2008 8:04:56 GMT
newBookmarkLockedFalling I need YOUR help!
deefa 0 56 by deefa
Sept 3, 2008 6:37:37 GMT


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jason: Feel free to learn more about animal communication on my website Jan 28, 2020 13:50:53 GMT
haffyfan: Jane, so sorry only just seen your message, I have responded Sept 5, 2016 19:40:31 GMT
meandmyconnie: Hello! I'm new x Aug 26, 2016 16:45:09 GMT
jason: Hey folks I'm new hear, hoping to learn and help together :) _72" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"> Jun 17, 2016 10:40:37 GMT
excellentequestrian: hey guys my name is Danielle and this is my first time on here! so hey everyone Jun 2, 2015 3:45:22 GMT
zoeroxursox: Hi Guys! my name is Zoe and I just joined so i can talk to like minded horsey people! Jan 9, 2015 8:56:48 GMT
arasway2012: Looking for a freelance groom/horse sitter in the Sheffield area. PM me if you're interested! Aug 8, 2014 9:55:08 GMT
horsemad9: ITS JUNE!!! Jun 2, 2014 15:19:19 GMT
horsemad9: Got a livery yard for Jamaica!!! SO happy. May 12, 2014 16:06:47 GMT
horsemad9: YES! spring is here ;) Apr 5, 2014 15:41:56 GMT
horsemad9: Hi guys. Haven't been on for AGES! I'm looking for a nice livery yard for Jamaica xx Apr 1, 2014 14:49:02 GMT
kitcat: Hi everyone. Not been on for ages so trying to have a quick catch up. We moved house at the end of last year but still havent sold the old one. We made the mistake of finding our dream property before selling. Now added 6 chickens to the family. Mar 28, 2014 15:04:47 GMT
brigadier: Hi Its lovely to hear you and Ben are doing good and great to have you back. Mar 20, 2014 9:58:18 GMT
haffyfan: Hi bonnyben, nice to hear from you again x Mar 14, 2014 19:27:34 GMT
bonnyben: Hello, I am not really a newbie, but I haven't been on here for AGES....recognise a lot of names though, Brigadier, Scattymare, ceej, Racaille, Haffyfan etc...hope you are all well. I still have Ben that big grey ID x and he is still the light of my life. Mar 13, 2014 18:45:44 GMT
horsemad9: Hi! Dot is currently stuffing herself silly!! lol Feb 26, 2014 16:06:57 GMT
wolfey: Hey! Jan 19, 2014 3:03:21 GMT
horsemad9: Hi Jan 18, 2014 14:39:40 GMT
jack: HELLOOOOOOO how everyone god its been a long time Jan 4, 2014 16:16:56 GMT
haffyfan: Merry Christmas everyone xx Dec 24, 2013 17:09:30 GMT
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