Post by Jen on Oct 8, 2008 19:20:14 GMT
my head and throat hurt with my cold, my shoulder hurts coz ive ditched my sling and my belly hurts coz of my period which started in the middle of a bunch of lectures this afternoon. why??? and the ibuprofen and paracetamol concoction is doing nowt, my cocodomol is in mums handbag at home and im going to go and get hot chocolate to try and ease at least one lot of pain.
edited to add - the 12hr heat pads i got for my should also stick to my joddys to help the p pain!!!
Post by dannyboy on Oct 8, 2008 19:26:02 GMT
Awww poor snotty As most of us women pretty well know how the big 'P' feels (Cr*p), I'm sending you a little Karma to cheer you up hun
Post by Jen on Oct 8, 2008 19:27:56 GMT
aww thanks guys!
maes - how do you know if a cold is moving onto your chest??
Post by madcatwoman on Oct 8, 2008 20:04:42 GMT
hope you feel better soon soon yourll have the book ive sent to read
Post by Jen on Oct 8, 2008 20:15:38 GMT
yay!!!!!!!! i cant wait for it to arrive, hopefuly it should come while im home for the weekend so i dont have to wait to get home to read it. ive made my sis open all te parcels that have arrived for me so that i know if its there o not. so far my welly armers socks and bit have come from robbies and my joddys have come from ceej!!!!! looking forward to the book though.
hot chocolate has helped the throat btw but now my nose is blocked!!!!
Post by Jen on Oct 8, 2008 20:22:44 GMT
ahh ok! definatly coughing and wanting to sleep a lot but that was coz i kept waking up to blow my nose!!!!
Post by lizziebrandy on Oct 8, 2008 20:22:45 GMT
Aww poor snotty (hehe blocked nose, an snotty ahaa, umm yeh i'll just go...) Mmm hot chocolate.... Get well soon!!
Whipper Snapper
Posts: 162
Post by Steph on Oct 8, 2008 20:25:19 GMT
You've had rubbish luck these past so have a karma and see if that makes things any better!
Post by Jen on Oct 8, 2008 20:41:42 GMT
i want a f*g.
Whipper Snapper
Posts: 162
Post by Steph on Oct 8, 2008 21:19:23 GMT
now now snotty smoking is bad for you! Have another hot chocolate instead and get some night nurse it'll knock you out for the night lol
Post by florence on Oct 8, 2008 21:23:46 GMT
Yeah, night nurse is brill! Hope you feel better soon.
Post by scattymare on Oct 9, 2008 11:25:50 GMT
That really will make your chest bad - believe me when I get a cold I suffer with a chesty cough for weeks after cos I smoke. Hope you feel better soon *passes hot choccy & hot water bottle over*