Post by twinkle on Aug 24, 2008 20:16:15 GMT
Hi, i missed my period last month and my hormones seem pretty much all over the place , i just can't stop bursting into tears for no reason whatsoever i think my family think i'm mad , has any other girls on here experienced this at 16? Also my periods are very heavy ( sorry for the graphic details) and i was wondering about the pill has any girls on here tried it and if so how have they found it to use?. Again sorry if its personal i'm just slightly worried as i'm in so much pain , thanks
Post by aimee on Aug 24, 2008 20:38:01 GMT
Stress can do that to you. Yeah I have been on microgynon 30 (sp) for about 3 years now. It has 100% made mine more manageable, painless, and lighter. Plus it makes them regular. I would recommend it but its not suitable for everyone. Your doctor will know more.
Post by finefilly on Aug 24, 2008 21:43:11 GMT
i had really painful and heavy periods and the pill has been a godsend. i am now on the mini pill (Cerrazette) and it works fine. go and see your doctor and explain how you are feeling and suggest trying the pill. hope it works out xx
Post by rebanna on Aug 24, 2008 22:56:17 GMT
depo stop's them all together
Post by florence on Aug 24, 2008 23:22:04 GMT
Aimees's right, stress can do that and I've just read your other thread in which you say you're stressed out about college! Go and see your doctor and get checked out. The pill certainly does regulate your periods and also makes them lighter and less painful.
Post by jack on Aug 25, 2008 11:31:44 GMT
hi i was very ireglia ( cant spell) and very heavy stress will cause all sorts of problems including missed periods but the first thing i would ask is are you pregnant ? im now on depo because of 2 things to help control of periods ( to stop them ) and i DONT want anymore children i was on the pill but because im not good at takeing medication ( i forget) that was no good ) make a appontment with the nurse and ask her to go through things with you she might sugest the coil but they are trained in this so they will give you the options
Post by twinkle on Aug 25, 2008 18:36:19 GMT
hi thanks for the advise , i will go to my doctor. No i'm not pregnant , i'm well and truelly a virgin , my moms quite pleased about that , but i was getting all th symptoms of being pregnant , tender breasts , certain smell making me nauseos and no period , i just kept having to remind myself i've never even kissed a boy let alone slept with one. I have been under so much stress lately and my heads been pounding which can be a sign of high blood pressure which is the last thing i want . I can't swallow tablets which is why i've always put of asking about the pill , but i've heard there really tiny so maybe i could manage ,i was in so much pain i was crying and i'm a tough cookie. Thanks again ;D
Post by aimee on Aug 25, 2008 19:15:47 GMT
Sounds so much like I used to be! I used to have to take days off school coz I was curled up in a ball bed crying and throwing up! Joys of being a woman eh? lol My pills are tiny. about a quarter of a pea. And sugar coated. I dont even need water to take mine. Good luck going to see the doc, I really do feel for ya hun!
Post by Blonde Donkey on Aug 25, 2008 19:17:38 GMT
i feel quite fortunate that mine are light and i get very little pain lol good luck at the doctors hun
Post by fleabitten on Aug 25, 2008 19:54:10 GMT
I know how you feel! I just feel i'd be better off dead - it was like that today, i felt like i was going to faint. I do take days off school and have even had to go home suddenly as ive been in so much pain ive been throwing up at school. I sound like a nutcase here! I went to the docs and they gave me an anti inflammatory tablet called Ponstan but they dont really work that well sometimes. It went away totally after a few hours this morning without me taking a single thing - but of course it came back again. So went back again recently and they suggested the pill - gave me some info and told me to have a think - I think it might be the best thing. Its nice to know im not the only one dying every month!!!
Whipper Snapper
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Posts: 221
Post by r0450111 on Aug 25, 2008 21:13:37 GMT
Youcould try using an Implant. it lasts three years and no need to do anything else! Except use condoms to avoid STI's. I'm currently using it. I'm 22 and in college. Used the pill for a couple of years but stopped about 3 years ago cos i've gotten a medical condition that requires lots of pill taking, i dont really want to voluntarily take another pill!
Intermediate Sh*t Shoveller
My beautiful mare is worth more than riches
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Post by babymare on Aug 26, 2008 7:32:55 GMT
I suffered very bad like you when I was younger( often apssing ut with the pain) and finally went on the pill when was 18. It really helped. I suffer again now ( purely cause Im an old fart now) and really sympathsie with you. Go and speak to your doctor hun. There are lots of ways they can help you. Also I know it sounds simple but a hot water bottle helps me loads. I often walk around the house with it tied round my belly!!!!!!!!!!!!!Big hugs
Post by fleabitten on Aug 26, 2008 10:31:10 GMT
I have a heat pack thingy that you put in the microwave - its great Sitting here now with it on my lap!
Post by twinkle on Aug 26, 2008 15:35:34 GMT
I'm not the only one then , there such a pain and what gets me is that men don't have to go through with this , or the pain of labour , they get it easy i think lol.
Post by twinkle on Aug 26, 2008 15:47:21 GMT
Oh and by the way , i use a great painkiller called feminax , i use the purple box but they do a blue one as well i think its supposed to help with the gas you can get when your on .
Post by spotti on Aug 26, 2008 15:54:33 GMT
I love this topic! I so wanted to rant about this yesterday (first day is always the worst I find) but didn't know if it was really the place, but now it's all out in the open...PERIODS SUCK!! Twinkle, when I first started I had heavy/irregular periods just like you (although didn't get the whole throwing up thing) but they just seemed to sort themselves out in time. I think eating less junk food helped with the pain - sounds mad because chocolate feels sooooooo good when my belly hurts, but if you generally eat a more balanced diet i.e. more greens! then it seems to hurt less and actually be lighter too! Or exercise...that's fantastic for lifting your mood and helping take away aches and pains (even though I completley understand how sometimes all you want to do is curl up in a ball and die)...and exercise releases endorphines(sp?) into your bloodstream (chemicals/hormones) that supposedly makes you feel happy??? I'm not sure how they work exactly but they're brilliant!!! As for men...pah! They don't know the half of it! I bet if they spent a year being a woman then they'd have a whole new appreciation for how well we handle it all (and understand why we go off on one when we're feeling hormonal). Hope you feel better soon hun Big hugs xoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxox p.s. hot water bottles/those cool things you stick in the microwave are genius and work wonders for period pains.
Post by twinkle on Aug 26, 2008 16:06:39 GMT
Thanks spottilover , i do love having a rant with you , i rarely get to do it with anyone else . My dad and brother were looking at me as know i was nuts the other day , i couldn't even laugh at the xfactor i was in so much pain , i felt like someone was pressing on my groin really hard , it felt weird cause usually i get cramps but it was more really sore , my mum said it was probably because i missed a period it was so painful but i've even had to have strong painkillers and permission to stay of school when i was younger with them , i've been like this since i was ten . I'm not exactly relaxed either , i am convinced my brother was born with devil horns and they were removed at birth, that sounds a bit mean but his being so vile and nasty , what gets me even more mad is that my parents aren't seeming to use the tough love approach they did with me when i was younger , i only had to say the f word once and i was grounded for two weeks , yet my brother threatens to punch me goes around effing and blinding and seems to get away with it . I think i'm going to lose my mind . That feels better getting that out of my system , thats just been bottling up for days ;D
Post by spotti on Aug 26, 2008 16:18:37 GMT
You let it all out Twinks! Sometimes, although ranting doesn't actually solve anything, it doesn't half feel goooooood!!! I think a lot of these guys in here should be given medals for putting up with my rants and random drivel. I found painkillers don't even touch my pain when I'm on, but I think psychologically (in my head! lol) they perhaps make me think I've atleast done something about it so should shut up complaining. I totally feel for you - living with a brother and your dad, who haven't a clue how much periods hurt - luckily, my house is all girls (except my dad...obviously!) and all we have to say is the word 'period' and my dad wanders off, fingers in ears, singing 'la la la la la'. I'm sure at college there'll be people you can talk to (and if not, talk to us! ) and who'll understand how you feel. Have you spoken to your doctor yet? They should be able to help you out... BIG HUGS
Post by florence on Aug 26, 2008 20:00:02 GMT
As for men...pah! They don't know the half of it! I bet if they spent a year being a woman then they'd have a whole new appreciation for how well we handle it all (and understand why we go off on one when we're feeling hormonal). A year? I think just the one month would do it! Actually, my OH is very understanding and knows how to handle it all now. But I have bought myself a mug for work, just to keep them on their toes. It says, PMS & ESP. A bitch who knows everything!
Post by Blonde Donkey on Aug 26, 2008 20:46:01 GMT
i think a week would do it lol though they wouldn't be allowed to jump brax it's painful for me to jump her lol
Post by twinkle on Aug 27, 2008 18:41:04 GMT
Then again think of the " man period " or irritable male syndrome a period for men without the blood . Since i have turned 16 , that was in march , i have been going through a i hate men stage , but even though they do my head in you can't help but fancy them and love them , but they are days when i would be happy for them to drop of the face of the earth lol.
Post by Blonde Donkey on Aug 27, 2008 18:42:57 GMT
i feel really bad that i don't get bad pains, relieved but bad if men had periods they would brag about the size of their tampons
Intermediate Sh*t Shoveller
Posts: 593
Post by abi on Aug 27, 2008 19:43:16 GMT
i suppose i'm really lucky, mine always come every 28th day on the dot, same as ever, nice and predictable! i hate competing with t though, cream jods are sooo not good!
Post by Blonde Donkey on Aug 27, 2008 19:44:38 GMT
OMG white jods at pony club when it happened once argh though the oil was coming off my saddle lol
Post by Jen on Aug 27, 2008 20:27:04 GMT
i am on the same pill as aimee and i LOVE it!!!! hardly any pain, lighter periods less spots and less pmt. its grear.
the final straw was when they sent me home from work after nearly throwing up over a customer, male manager says are you ok, i say period pain so bad im gonna hurl or curl up in a ball on the floor, he says go home now!!! so hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!